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A1C Keigan J. Baker


March 19, 2020

St. Andrews Bay, Florida, USA


Keigan J. Baker was born January 14, 1996 in Longview Washington. From early on, Keigan was very active in local sports including soccer, baseball, Kung Fu, wrestling, track, basketball and football. Besides excelling at school, his passion during high school was playing football at Mark Morris where he earned 1st team all-league. Keigan graduated from Mark Morris in 2014.

After high school, Keigan went on to Eastern Washington University (EWU) where he earned his BS in Business Management. During his time at EWU, Keigan also participated in the ROTC program.

Keigan enlisted in the U.S. Air Force in June 2018. Airman First Class (A1C) Keigan Baker distinguished himself early in his military career by being selected to lead 18 Airmen as Element Leader during Basic Military Training. His leadership prowess was evident by his distinction as Honor Graduate upon graduation, which foretold how he would lead his fellow Airmen through the Special Tactics training pipeline. After BMT, he secured a spot in the Air Force combat control program, an exclusive and highly-selective program very few achieve. Special Tactics Combat Controllers are widely renowned for combat reconnaissance, coordinating precision strikes and conducting personnel recovery operations. Fitting his capabilities amongst his peers, Airman Baker was selected as enlisted team leader during Air Traffic Control School, where he drove 12 Airmen through seven weeks of rigorous physical fitness, academic, and simulator training at Keesler Air Force Base. Additionally, under the guidance of the Combat Control School instructors, he taught an additional four classes and mentored 17 teammates through advanced air traffic control scenarios due to his unparalleled grasp of the skill and the trust he earned from his Combat Control cadre. Finally, because of his highly effective leadership, Keigan helped ensure his team's success during the intense training throughout the Special Tactics pipeline, resulting in all earning their coveted scarlet beret in December 2019 to serve as Special Tactics Combat Controllers. The distinctive accomplishments of Airman Baker in the dedication of his service to his country reflect credit upon himself and the United States Air Force.

In December 2019, A1C Keigan Baker was assigned to the Special Tactics Training Squadron, 24th Special Operations Wing out of Hurlburt Field, Florida.

Keigan’s military awards include the National Defense Ribbon, Air Force Good Conduct Medal, the Air Force Basic Military Training Honor Graduate Ribbon, the Air Force Training Ribbon, the Global War on Terrorism Service Medal and the Air Force Commendation Medal.

In addition to serving his country, Keigan was an active member of his community, loved his family dearly and found great joy in his friendships. Keigan loved being outdoors and lived life to the fullest. He was passionate about helping people succeed and always ready to help mentor or assist others. His kindheartedness had no limit, and his smile and laughter would brighten any room. His motto – DIE LIVING – was truly reflected his mindset, his passion and his amazing life.

A1C Keigan J. Baker

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