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Bronze Star Medal with Valor Recipient

SSgt Christopher Jones

Enduring Freedom

October 8, 2012
Paktiya, Afghanistan

Bronze Star with Valor and first Oak Leaf Cluster

On Oct. 8, 2012, Jones served as the primary joint terminal attack controller assigned to an Army Special Forces Team conducting a tactical ground movement in Paktiya Province, Afghanistan. 

The team's lead vehicle struck an improvised explosive device, triggering a coordinated ambush. Jones immediately returned fire while coordinating close air support aircraft overhead. After the initial volley of enemy fire, Jones exited his vehicle and rushed to the command element, which was pinned down by enemy fire. 

As he made his way to the front of the convoy, Jones continued to engage the enemy and provide air support. While coordinating airstrikes, Jones lost line of sight communications with the aerial support. 

Without regard for his personal safety, Jones immediately moved to an exposed position in order to regain communications and continue aerial coordination to repel the enemy assault.

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